Offensive Tactical Carbine (1)
Much like Handgun 1, This course focuses on the the fundamentals and building a strong foundation. The key difference being the weapon platform employed.
Compared to other systems, rifles/carbines are extremely versatile, and provide the operator with unique capabilities. In this course, we expose students to a variety of fundamentals and techniques to maximize their efficiency with a rifle - for targets both near and far.
Subjects covered include:
- zero
- marksmanship fundamentals
- ready positions
- combat reloads
- malfunctions
- multiple-shot methods
- multi-target engagement
- cadence
- introduction to movement
- alternative/barrier positions
- intermediate distances (150 meters)
- stress shoots
Offensive Tactical Carbine (2)
*Offensive Tactical Carbine 1 is a prerequisite for this course
Offensive Tactical Carbine 2 is the second tier in our OTC training series. Students will expand on techniques learned in OTC 1 and be introduced to new drills and skills.
Carbine Tactics Enhancement is an adaptable 4-6 hour day occurring at various local range facilities throughout the year to provide additional instructing and flexible guidance on skills learned in flagship courses. These provide additional time for instructors to observe and critique skills, provide more hands-on range time, and cover items frequently requested that do not fit into the timeframes of flagship courses.
Carbine Tactics Enhancement will advance from Carbine 1 and 2, therefore one or both of these courses must be completed before participating.